Roaccutane – Before and After 

4th March 2014 – It is now one year since I started taking Roaccutane and to celebrate I wanted to share with you my before and after photos. The results are amazing and I still feel lucky every day when I see my clear skin. It’s a wonderful feeling after so many years of living with acne and dealing with the depression that comes from ugly spots, day in day out, to a new found freedom of having and enjoying clear skin!

Before and After Roaccutane

When I started my personal diary here on my website it really was just for me to keep an account of my own progress, photos and experiences. I am pleasantly surprised and humbled by the amount of people that have interacted with me and supported me, and each other, to create a Roaccutane community. I never would have believed so many people would be interested, it feels great to know that my diary has helped so many of you.

What happens now? Even though my own Roaccutane experience has finished, I have discovered a new passion for wanting to hear about other people’s journeys and offering them help and support whenever I can. I have enjoyed receiving people’s comments and questions and hope that more will come. I have no plans to abandon this site and will continue to communicate with anyone who would like to get in touch.

Andrea x

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22 Responses to Before and After

  1. Stephanie Tayler says:

    Dear Andrea, I think you are inspiring, you have been through a long & very difficult journey. I wish you all the luck in the world & would be lovely to see you get better 100%. I think it is wonderful that you have taken the time & posted your diary for others to read. I thought when I saw your picture on Pinterest she looks like a lovely lady, lets see what she is interested in….. Keep your chin up & keep smiling x Steph x

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Thank you Steph 🙂 It has been an amazing journey and I am overwhelmed by the interest in my site. Acne is one of those subjects where you feel quite alone in your suffering so everybody’s comments have been really helpful and I am so pleased that in return I have helped others.
      Andrea x

      • Sinead Epton says:

        Hi Andrea,

        Thank you so much for keeping such a detailed log of your accutane journey.

        I am 25 years old and have suffered with cycstic acne for the past 4 years. I have just started my 2nd month of accutane and my dose has been upped to 55mg (from 25mg). So far they are working really well however, since my dose has been highered I have noticed extreme redness, in particular on my chin, nose and cheeks. I am just wondering if you experienced anything similar? Right now I am too happy that the acne is diminishing to become too concerned about the redness as this can be covered through the day with makeup I am however wondering if this redness is something I will have to deal with long after I have finished the accutane course as it is rather unsightly in itself and I long to be able to walk outnof the door makeup free!

        I hope you receive this post as I would love your advice.

        Kind regards,

        Sinead (UK)


        • Andrea Love says:

          Hi Sinead,
          Lovely to hear from you!
          The redness is totally normal, I did get that too. You are right not to be concerned about it, the Roaccutane is doing it’s job. This side effect does go after the treatment is ended and makes way for your beautiful new skin. My make up ran out this week and I forgot to order a new bottle in time so had to go to work with no foundation on… actually liberating and couldn’t believe the day had come. Like you I had dreamed of this. My hubby even said to me I don’t know why you still put that on!! 🙂 (Note to self, must take some up to date photos for my fellow followers)
          Have you had any other side effects?
          Are you using any products to soothe the symptoms?
          Have you been advised how long your treatment will be?

          Lok forward to hearing more of your progress
          Andrea xx

          • Sinead Epton says:

            Hi Andrea,

            Thank you so much for your response, its really put my mind at rest. I hope to be joining you in the no makeup club very soon.

            So far my symptoms have been pretty textbook. Dry skin/lips, well actually peeling skin ( this morning it was like peeling wallpaper off my nose!) And occasionally I ache, especially if I’ve been sat too long ( a bit like a 90 year old!) Only thing that seems to really bother me is the redness as I mentioned before, I’ve figured that this is because although I’m starting to clear up (well getting there) the redness hides any improvement, in fact I’m looking more lobster-ish each passing day ha!

            I’ve been using cetaphil cleanser and moisteriser which has worked really well so far, I started using carmex for my lips, personally I think this is better than Vaseline as it doesn’t absorb as quickly.

            My dermatologist said my course will last between 4-5 months depending on progress. I’m not completely clear yet but better than I have been for years.

            How long has it been since your course finished? Do you think the dreaded acne days are over for good?

            It would be brilliant to see more post accutane pictures to spur me on, I’m sure other followers would agree.

            Sinead xx

          • Andrea Love says:

            Hi Sinead,
            You’re absolutely right I must put up some more post Roaccutane pics!!! I keep meaning to!
            I do think and feel my dreaded acne days are over and I never under estimate the process I went through to get here!
            The relief is liberating, I NEVER thought my skin would be normal, and feel blessed that it is now, the journey was worth it xx

  2. rebecca says:

    Hi Andrea

    Thank you so much for creating this page! It is interesting to see the side effects you experienced from week to week and compare them to mine. Reading your blog is like reading about my own experience! I started on 20mg the first month and moved to 40mg the second month (currently on week 7-8) and have had a MAJOR breakout 🙁 I feel horrible and have my third appt next week and not sure if my dermatoligst will suggest moving up to 60mg?! What dosage did you take? How long did your breakout last for?

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Hi there Rebecca, sincere apologies for my absence and not replying sooner.

      I hope you are ok and hope you are reassured that our experiences are so similar. Feel free to keep in contact via this thread for support and let me know how you are getting on. It would be great to share other people’s before and after results on here too.

      Andrea x

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Andrea,

    Hope you are well and still happy with your results.
    Not sure if you still check this website, but just wanted to say Thank you!
    I have been on Roaccutane for 1 month now, i am 40 years old and sick and tired of still feeling like a spotty teenager!
    I finally plucked up the courage to get my Doctor to refer to a Dermatologist and have not looked back since, wish i had done this years ago.
    I have just tripled my dose (60mg) and so far so good! I’ve had a few break outs and have felt really tired and achy, but apart from that, all good.
    Thank you for recommending Hydromol, i ordered it as soon as i started my treatment and haven’t suffered with any dryness – yet!
    Thanks again and hope you are happy & healthy!

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Hello lovely person!!
      I must admit I have been away for a few months but am back now to checking my website, and found your lovely message.

      I totally know how you feel and am happy for you that Roaccutane is working for you. Like you I wished someone had introduced me years before. It does take personal strength to go through with it but so totally worth it when it works. Do feel free to keep in touch with your progress via this thread and I wish you all the very best in your journey to normal healthy skin.

      Andrea x

      • T says:

        Hello lovely lady back at ya!

        I’ve just seen this reply – thank you!
        I ended up posting twice as I thought this one hadn’t gone through – oops!

        Hope you went somewhere nice and still proud of your skin, I can’t wait for make up free days – yep, still wearing make up 3 months in but NO concealer!!!
        This was HUGE for me, and shocking to everyone else as I looked so different, not caked, and surprisingly better, even though I am still spotty.
        Hey ho, onwards and upwards!
        Hope all is well with you.

        • Andrea Louise says:

          Hi T xx
          I have replied to your other comment and was happy to find this one too. It’s a major milestone and feels nice doesn’t it not to wear cakes of make up! Onwards and upwards definitely, good luck xx

  4. Neil says:

    Hey Andrea, it is really nice to hear about your journey. I will be starting accutane tomorrow and i am given 70mg per day. I am doing a 4-6 months course, i am really nervous about my initial breakout. I am 17 years old and in my final year of highschool.

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Hi Neil,

      Wishing you well in your treatment, it is perfectly understandable to be nervous but I hope my experiences and other peoples comments on my website will keep you reassured throughout. Do feel free to keep in contact via this thread with questions or for support. Always remember why you are doing this and hang on in there.
      Andrea x

  5. Jo says:

    Hi Andrea – so fantastic to see your website! I have just started week 3 and have no real bad side effects. Dry lips etc but can’t complain at that! I’m only on 30mg a day. It’s so severe that I’m likely to stay on that for 9 months. The thing I’m struggling with is the conflicting info about drinking alcohol!! My dermatologist said as long as I’m careful I can drink but so many others say not to. Did you drink? Your story is amazing and very encouraging! Xxx

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for your nice comments and I’m glad to hear that my blog is helping another fellow acne sufferer. My dermatologist also told me that I was ok to have the occasional drink while taking my medication but I chose not to. I felt this was right for me and would give the medication the best chance of success. My own personal worries were to look after my cholesterol levels and to keep my liver healthy throughout the process. I wish you well on your journey and feel free to keep in touch! Andrea xx

  6. Kate says:

    Hi Andrea!
    I have just spent my afternoon reading all about your journey, your such an inspiration. Today is my day 1 taking Ranbaxy Isotretinoin and im very weary of what’s to come, however after reading your experiences I feel so much better- well more aware of what’s coming… Thank you so much!
    If i could ask one thing, my dermatologist has told me I must eat fatty food when I take my tablets, did you have to do this and if so what did you choose to eat as I’m cautious about eating fatty foods when there is already a chance of cholesterol problems happening

    • Andrea Louise says:

      Hi Kate,
      Welcome to my site and I wish you all the very best in your own journey x

      I wasn’t given any advice one way or the other regarding my nutrition and diet whilst being on Roaccutane. However as a personal choice I decided to eat very healthily and cut out all ‘processed’ foods because I was scared of Roaccutane already increasing my cholesterol levels without me adding to it. I also stopped drinking alcohol whilst taking the medication as I was scared in the same way for my liver. Again a personal choice that actually did me some good. As a result of spending the best part of a year on this treatment I changed my eating habits, lost some extra weight and then spent the next year on a fitness plan.

      Good luck and keep in touch x


  7. Josie says:

    Hi Andrea,

    I am just about to start taking accutane for my persistent acne, having already tried antibiotic and prescribed creams. Reading your blog has helped me understand what I will potentially face a lot more. I am prepared for what might happen over the next few months and that I must remind myself to stay positive!

    Thank you so so much for the honest uploads, it is really nice to hear and see what others have experienced. Your story is amazing!

    Josie x

    • Andrea Love says:

      Hi Josie,
      I am so pleased you took the time to message, and I am really pleased that this blog has helped you! My best tip is to always remember why you are doing this and that it will all be worth it. I found taking pictures really helpful, I know it’s not nice but you then have something to look back on especially on the bad days. Then you realise that it is actually getting better even if it doesn’t feel like it. I wish you all the best, do keep in touch x

  8. Rachel Dyer-Williams says:

    Hi Andrea, how are you doing?

    Since I contacted you in July the Doxycycle has had no impact at all…. in fact my skin is now worse than ever, all nodules and cysts… I am really upset right now…

    So I am taking the plunge and am going to see a consultant dermatologist as soon as I can. I know the next few months are going to be really hard but I just hope that the doctor will at least let me try Roacc and that it works. Your website is so helpful so thank you for keeping it going…. having acne in your mid-forties is just no fun at all!

    Rachel x

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